In Process ~ A Special Banner

A tree, leaves, spirals, fruit, human hands – this is a detail/close-up photo of a banner I’m working on for a church. After it’s been presented (November) I’ll be able to post a photo of the entire banner.

This has been in process since May. It makes my heart sing to work with colors I love and symbols that are important to me.

Made of cotton fabrics via applique´.

The Crow Worthy Award

Today I was awarded the Crow Worthy Award by the blogger and needle-arts wizard at Whimseytopia. For a larger view click the crow image on the right sidebar (scroll down).

She wrote:

“The Crow Worthy Award:  It’s not just about attracting attention, though it is distinct enough to be identified in a crowded sidebar. Rather it is more about complimenting you who have shared your stories, photos, knowledge and, most importantly, kindness with your heartfelt blogs.  It’s a way to say thank you for the funny stories, the friendship, and all those words of wisdom sent as comments and emails. . . .That’s it; just a way to say thank you, I like you, and I hope you keep writing your wonderful posts.”


And many thanks to you, for thinking of me! Visit Whimseytopia to see the marvelous creations there.

Winter in the Studio

This morning’s view out the studio windows:

A studio companion, handmade from felted woolen sweaters:

If you are in the vicinity of Columbia County, NY, and wish to visit my studio, email to set up an appointment.

ArtsWalk opens this evening in Chatham

This is the big weekend!

This year, ArtsWalk is in Chatham as well as in Hudson, NY. The Opening Party is from 6 to 9 PM at the Columbia County Fairgrounds on October 8th, with events and exhibits happening in many places throughout Chatham over the weekend. Shops on Main Street have donated their window space to local artists. My feathery work may be found in the window of Cow Jones Industrials, on Main Street in Chatham.

“With These Wings” Feather Vest by Katharine Houk

The event is sponsored by the Columbia County Council on the Arts. I will be at Opening Night, where I have an Otherworldly piece. I hope to see you there!

Cosmic work in the new studio

Settling in, unpacking as I continue work on the Temple.

My thread stash is on the wall,

Part of Katharine's thread stash.

the buttons are (mostly) in their jars,

Button jars in the window

and Somebody’s Aunt Martha has found a window seat.

Aunt Martha at the window

In bits and pieces, I am finding snippets of time to play with light, energy, and new elements, as I continue work on the Temple of the Cosmos.

Cosmic Temple in progress

Everything’s Been Moved!

It’s a bit crowded and chaotic, but everything has now been moved to my studio in the renovated barn.  Planning an Open House in June ~ date TBA.

Some photos:

Hourglass and friends

Books and bags on the wall

Handmade curtains used as a space divider

Somebody's Aunt Martha waiting patiently on a clothing rack